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  • Riding the Entire Pack (BBW Werewolf Shifter Steamy Menage Romance) Page 4

Riding the Entire Pack (BBW Werewolf Shifter Steamy Menage Romance) Read online

Page 4

  * * * *

  The next morning, I found my canteen refilled with delicious water. Gulping down a third of it, I felt the need to relieve myself, which meant leaving the cave. I found myself carefully traversing down the slope, feeling out every foothold before exerting any pressure as I crept down the side.

  My cave, unsurprisingly, was in the gradual incline of a mountain. As the slope rolled and adjusted, I found it easier to travel down, and necessity forced me to pick up the pace until I finally touched base against the ground. Darting into the trees, I found the relative safety of a bush and did what I needed to.

  I needed to find a new supply of water, as I wasn’t sure my mysterious, handsome benefactors were going to keep me sustained during their shaky deadline to vacate the premises. Less than eager to cross back into the woods, I remembered seeing what looked like a stream, cutting through the trees slightly to my left. With zero other leads, I decided to throw everything I had into finding it.

  Without the crippling delirium of the other day, I was able to appreciate the wildlife and the flora more. However, I also noticed warning signs that had eluded me before — the colors of the frogs told me that they were, in all likelihood, poisonous; the vines shifted lightly, just enough to make me wonder if there was any sentience to them; the larger birds menacingly glared at me as I passed, clicking sharp beaks that looked like they could strip flesh in a pinch.

  But as I heard the sound of running water – actual water this time – I didn’t realize how dangerous the island could truly be…

  * * * *

  It was as I was filling my canteen, that I noticed the threat.

  The wildcat was as motionless as stone, watching me carefully with predatory eyes. Standing in the tree line, I hadn’t heard it approach as I had happily filled my canister…but now, it was here – and by the looks of it, it was hungry. All too aware of how unprotected I was in my bikini, and how quickly it could catch me, I froze in kind and regarded it carefully.

  Come on, you big, stupid cat. Just move along. Ain’t nothin’ to see here, you dumb pussycat.

  But this was not a wildcat that passed on an easy meal. His head lowering slightly to the ground, paws spreading a little wider, I knew that I was about to leave this island a slightly different way than I’d intended.

  “Well…fuck ME,” I murmured to myself.

  The wildcat lunged, claws stretched as it barreled towards me. Throwing myself to the ground, I hoped for a quick, merciful death, before the most extraordinary thing happened.

  Not one, but two bears pummeled their way out of the trees, slapping the wildcat away. It skittered across the underbrush and landed on its feet, skidding a little further before growling menacingly at them. The bears didn’t give me the slightest bit of attention, instead chowing to glare down the predator.

  Pulling myself up from the dirt, I could practically watch it calculating — sizing up the fight to see if picking my bones clean was worth it. After all, it was just one wildcat — and I spotted its ripped ear, as it regarded them wickedly. After a moment, it seemed to back down, slinking away and snarling over its shoulder at them.

  Afraid for my life, I started to crawl backwards away from the bears. One lazily glanced around, while the other immediately zeroed in on me. I froze on the spot, struggling to remember which kind of bears you tried to intimidate, and which ones were supposed to be countered by crawling up into a ball.

  But surprisingly…they didn’t attack. Instead, they loitered around for a moment before slipping back into the woods. Before long, I was scrambling up from the ground, terrified and confused. Filling my canteen quickly, I disappeared back into the woods, eager to get away from either predatory force on the island.

  * * * *

  It took me about an hour to find my way back to the path up the mountain. From there, I would be able to scrutinize the layout of the land from my vantage point, and plan a course of action.

  But as I reached the clearing at the foot, I realized that there were other plans in mind for me.

  Because the fucking wildcat was back, and this time, he brought some goddamn friends.

  They appeared out of nowhere, all five of them. Snarling and growling, they descended upon me with a savage bloodlust, and I recognized the one from earlier — its ear still bleeding lightly from the bear swipe. Locking eyes with me, it seemed to snarl, Look here, you stupid bitch. You see what I had to go through? Ooh, I can’t WAIT to bite you good.

  There was NO WAY I was going to successively pull my way clear of a pack of wildcats, not when they approached me in a circle, hungrily ready to pounce…

  My luck had hit lightning once. Would it hold up again?

  They lunged for me as I cried out my last gasp…

  …And the two bears swatted them from the air, roaring with primal rage. Darting into the clearing, they viciously attacked the wildcats, defending me with a ferocity I wouldn’t have dared imagine. Their shaggy muscles pounded in the sunlight as they knocked back the cats, standing up on their hindquarters to roar down at the pack.

  She is protected, they seemed to shout. You will not have her this day.

  I couldn’t imagine why I was personifying these predators, but before I could seriously think about it, one of my rugged, naked rescuers darted into sight. It was Craig, who immediately outstretched his hand.

  “Grab onto me!”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, I clasped it, and he yanked me onto his back. My wrists wrapped around his neck as I clasped my ankles together around his groin, my feet careful to not enter his bush and destroy his dangling cock as he raced forwards. With incredible speed, we darted between the bears and the wildcats, and effortlessly scaled the slope of the mountain. His feet pounded the rocky ground, instinctively finding the right stones to press against as we ascended, and within seconds he had dropped me into the cave.

  “What the fuck?!” I shouted in a mixture of fear and exhilaration. “What the hell are you?”

  “You’ve forced our hand, you curvy little minx.” Craig chuckled as the air around his skin began to glimmer. The hair atop his head rippled across his body and his muscles swelled. Before he was finished, he jumped out the mouth of the cave. Fleeing to the edge, I watched his body contort as he rolled down the slope, immediately transforming into a massive bear as he leapt into the fracas below.

  Their roars bounded off the mountain walls as they fought. All I could do was clutch the side of the cave mouth and stare incredulously as the bears battled the wildcats. Snarls escaped at the top of their lungs as they swiped their claws, viciously attacking the cats that had tried to rip me to shreds.

  Their battle raged on for fifteen minutes, until three of the wildcats lay on the ground, defeated for good. The remaining two, snarling and hissing, turned tail and tried to scamper into the forest. The bear who had been Craig lunged in after them, unwilling to let them leave with their lives. After a moment of rumbling, I heard the faint sounds of screeching…and then silence.

  As Craig-bear returned from the trees, all three of them gazed up the mountain to face me. Trembling, I pulled free from the cave mouth and crept backwards into the temporary safety of the stone recess, listening to the rumbling as they ascended the mountain after me…

  But it was not a pack of bears who lumbered into the cave, but a pack of three tired, incredibly handsome, naked men. They wandered groggily towards the fire, and Sven dropped down to refuel the smoldering flame with an armful of twigs and debris.

  “You guys…are bears,” I murmured in incredulity. “Actual, real-life bears.”

  “That is correct,” Craig answered, clutching his side. “You see now why we shun contact with humankind. You wouldn’t understand us, and you’d interfere with our lives, tear us apart with your tools and try to…”

  He stumbled against the side of the cave. Even in the faint light, I could see that he left something behind as he pushed free. Something glistening…red…

  “Oh my go
d, you’re injured!” I cried out. I instinctively reached for my shirt, hoping to rip free a makeshift tourniquet, only to remember that I was in what was effectively underwear…and that all of them were naked.

  “I don’t…we’ve got to stop the blood!”

  “It is no use,” Lars told me, eying Craig with remorseful concern. “His wound is quite deep. He won’t survive it for long.”

  “But there has to be something we can do!” I was holding him now, clamped onto his rugged, chiseled shoulders. “Something I can do…anything…”

  “There is…a way,” Lars replied.

  “No,” Craig whispered, his voice hoarse. “It is too much. I won’t allow it.”

  “What is it?” I demanded, grabbing Lars now. “You’ve got to tell me.”

  Craig turned away in disgust, seated against the cave wall. He was already starting to grow pale, and I could see sweat glistening on his brow as his chest heaved.

  “We are werebear shifters,” Lars explained. “It is what allows us to change from bear to man and back again. This gift, it grants us incredible strength and speed. And there is a way to recover from injuries such as his.”

  “How?” I repeated. “What do I need to do?”

  “Mate,” Sven chimed in. “We can regenerate injuries, cheat death, but only by mating. The primal lust overpowers us, but it heals us as well…and it may just save our alpha male from the edge of death.”

  “I won’t allow it,” Craig answered. “You cannot make that kind of commitment.”

  The danger I had been in had kept me occupied, but with my aggressors put down, that danger was over. I glanced between the three of them — three handsome, rugged, highly attractive specimens of what it meant to be a real man. In the same thought, I recalled how they had saved me, time and time again — rescuing me from the forest and reviving me, staving off wildcats not once, but twice…

  And their ferocity had been an incredible turn-on. I felt protected with them, nurtured even, and they were large, indomitable forces of their own. The shifters had told me that they were the lords of the forest — and after everything I had see, I fully believed them.

  Getting to fuck one of them was just icing on the cake.

  I gazed seductively at Craig, unclasping my bra from behind. As I tossed it to the side, my thick, supple bosom fell free from its restraints, and my puffy nipples graced the air — begging for attention.

  “I’m all yours, Craig,” I told him. “Mate me like the animal you are.”

  Craig growled lightly, turning his face away again. “You don’t understand…it’s not just me. You can’t mate just one…”

  “You must mate all,” Lars hungrily whispered in my ear, as Sven descended upon my breast, consumed with lust.

  * * * *

  As Craig watched, slumped in the corner, the other two shifters began to squeeze at my breasts and kiss my skin. Their grasping, needful hands snaked up my curves and took hold of my supple pillows.

  Sven took my nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his teeth as he began to suck gingerly, engulfing my puffy nub with his lips. I cooed, squeezing his head in the crook of my arm as my hand grasped at his hair. Soon, Lars joined him, descending to take the other between his own lips. Clasping onto both shifters, I let them taste my nipples, their hands squeezing and kneading my breasts all the while. I felt my thighs rub together as my loins purred to life, needing attention.

  “Come on, Craig,” I whispered soothingly. “Take me. I’ll all yours…all of yours.”

  He grumbled, still clenching into his side. But he couldn’t take his eyes off of my thick, curvaceous body, and one look at his unwavering, piercing green gaze told me how much he wanted to really take me.

  The shifters plucked themselves free from my body. Sven was encapsulating my lips in his, and our tongues began to swirl around each other, sliding together in a dance of carnal passion. He took my head into his strong, calloused hands, hungrily tasting my mouth. While this was going on, Lars was kissing his way down my body, eager to see the rest of me. His lips peppering a trail down my belly, he snagged at my bikini bottom with his teeth, before moving to kiss the interiors of my thighs. I squealed in delight into Sven’s mouth as Lars continued to tease me, snapping the string to my bottoms with his teeth every so often.

  Opening my eyes, I gave Craig one last, forlorn glance. He was hungrily watching with rapt attention, pale as could be, and I knew that I needed to rile him up to save his life.

  “Fuck me, boys,” I begged. “Mate me as hard as you can.”

  Within seconds, I was down on the ground, the furs whipped beneath my skin. Lars was plucking my bikini bottom free, casting the final garment aside as my wet, needful pussy was finally exposed. Hungrily, his face descended into my folds, lapping away at my juices with animalistic, primal need.

  Sven, on the other hand, grasped my head and parted my lips around his thick, girth shifter shaft. I felt the crown of his head pushing at the back of my throat, and wrapped my tongue around his dick as he began to thrust between my lips. I loved how rough he was being, and how much he groaned with the motions. As he dominated my mouth, my hand squeezed my pillowy breast and toyed with my nipple as I grabbed the other shifter by the tufts of his hair, marrying his tongue to my inner walls.

  “Oh god,” I could barely blurt at Lars out as Sven withdrew to stroke himself for a moment, his cock inches from my lips. “Please don’t stop—“

  Sven’s shaft was back inside, punishing the inside of my mouth. He threw his leg over the other side and sat against my face, pressing his hands to the ground and thrusting his cock into my mouth with his highest intensity. I loved every second of it, sucking him down and pleasing him with my throat while his shifter brother continued to taste me.

  My other hand joined the first, and I clamped my thighs together around his head as he sucked on my clit. His firm, pink tongue slid across my bead, stimulating me while two fingers descended into the wet chasm that was my pussy. I felt him expertly manipulate my eager g-spot as he sucked and teased my hood.

  But even as I squirmed on the ground beneath them both, I knew I needed more…and so did Craig, who wasn’t shoving them aside to pillage my body yet. So, I pushed both of them off, hopping onto all fours. Giving a wink and wiggling my ass tantalizingly, I smirked as sexily as I could at the shifters.

  “I’m ready when you are…”

  They gave each other a short, wicked smile and descended on me again. Lars pulled in front of me, grabbing me by my hair and pulling my mouth onto his thick cock. As much as he had pleased me, I was all too willing to reciprocate, and I inhaled his thick, bobbing shifter cock with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

  Sven, on the other hand, positioned himself behind me. To my surprise, instead of inserting himself inside me, I felt his hand come crashing down upon my ass.


  “Fuck!” I blurted out, pulling myself free from the girth shaft between my lips. “That’s…oh god…do that again!”

  Sven grinned mercilessly at me and delivered another crushing blow against my cheeks. Wham! My body almost buckled, but I held my composure as I felt the cool air stinging my reddening buttocks. Without needing a request, he delivered — Wham! — Another, and then — Wham! — Another, and as Lars forced his cock back into my mouth, — Wham! — And then —!Wham! — And —Wham! Wham! Wham!

  I was a delirious puddle of pleasure as he tenderized my ass, finally grasping his thick cock in his hand, wedging himself into my soaked, slippery pussy, and clamping onto my hips with his strong, capable hands. Lars commanded the intensity of our rhythm, forcing me to accept the jackhammering ferocity of his thrusts.

  I was never happier that I lacked a gag reflex than that night.

  Sven continued to thrust with wild abandon into my pussy, slapping my ass for good measure every once in a while. I felt the puffy lips to my wet chasm quivering with delight, and I did my best to slam my curvy hips hard against his body as he fucke
d me.

  The shifters swapped places, and I was soon lapping my own juices off of Sven’s rock-hard cock as Lars pummeled my welcoming pussy. Still no Craig, I thought to myself sadly for a moment — but not too long, as I was being pummeled by two other, very panty-drenching shifters.

  As my passion began to mount within my body, threatening an early orgasm, I felt Lars begin to tighten up against me. He was becoming rougher with my throat, holding onto my head with both hands now as his thick, uncompromising shifter cock punished my mouth. I knew he was going to lose his load soon, and I relaxed my throat as much as I could to welcome his gift.

  Sven, too, was starting to go rigid behind me, his thrusting guck my pillowy hips against his own tight pelvis harder and faster.

  The moment came, and Lars pushed his cock into my mouth as far as he could as his body tensed up. Rope after rope of his hot, steamy shifter cum splattered against the back of my throat, and I welcomed every last drop until he fell to the ground, writhing in pleasure.