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Chosen By The Alphas (Paranormal Menage Steamy Shifter Werewolf Romance)
Chosen By The Alphas (Paranormal Menage Steamy Shifter Werewolf Romance) Read online
Chosen By The Alphas
By Willow Wilde
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© 2015 True Desires Publishing
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Table of Contents
Chosen By The Alphas
More From Willow Wilde
Chosen By The Alphas
The day that Bannon came to my village was the day that redefined the rest of my life. My first glimpse at him was with the rest of the village, lining the main entrance into our settlement as the small procession of our hunters paraded inside. Walking at the forefront, he brought the large, powerful carcass of a brown bear on a steady cart. Most of us stood in awe at the felled beast, daring to comprehend what force could have brought it down.
As was our custom, the mysterious hunter fell to a knee before our village elder, who stood with mouth agape as he, too, wondered what many of us were.
“A gift,” the mysterious, handsome stranger told our leader. “A gift of good tidings, may your harvests be aplenty in the waning season to come.”
Felling a bear was unheard of in these parts. Many of our hunters had considered the presentation of a large elk to be the defining achievement in the woods, but a bear meant something else entirely – we had never seen anything like it. The other hunters bowed in respect of this stranger, relinquishing the glory to him, and we all realized that we were in the presence of a truly powerful warrior.
“And who are you, who are so mighty to bring down this creature?” The elder asked, gazing upon the stranger in our midst.
“I am Bannon, leader of a distant village. I am passing through these parts and wish for a few days’ respite, and offer this beast as goodwill to your people.”
The elder graciously accepted the gift on our behalf, and assigned a number of us to begin harvesting the carcass. Unknown to our mysterious new companion, the hunts of the last few days had suffered, and the felling of this bear would see us filled with meat through the night. We threw a small feast to Bannon’s honor, which he accepted kindly. Several of our people danced for him, and he seemed to enjoy their jubilations as a formality.
I could not help but notice that, as he sat beside the elder and lazily watched the attractive females dance for him, his eye always seemed to roll in my direction.
The following morning, I began studying Bannon closer from afar. I could barely get away from my prattling harpy of a mother, always screeching commands and demanding my attention at all times. But I could spare a glance in Bannon’s direction as he passed by – he was strikingly attractive, with his chiseled jaw, lean muscles, and broad shoulders. A thick pelt was fashioned along his chest, and he was sewn up in tight leather leggings that showed off the contours of his calves. Sometimes, although I considered it folly to think too hard on it, I would catch him smiling in my direction – his piercing green eyes adding a glimmer to the rugged features of the man.
I had been with a few boys of the village, rolling around in the hay near the livestock or taken in the dark, hiding near the rafters of a spare storage room. But this stranger was more man than all of them combined. I found myself fantasizing of him often as I tended to my endless chores, wondering what it would be like to be taken forcefully by him, feeling his indomitable will control me.
But whoever he was, he was clearly important. I did not know of any villages in the direction that he had indicated, but no stranger to the village was so doggedly accompanied by the boastful elder unless he was truly no ordinary man.
“I’ve heard that his people serve a wolf god,” my friend Tarnie whispered to me that day as we tended the young ones. “That they live in a great village on the other side of the woods.”
“A wolf god?” I asked, incredulous. Who could have thought of such a thing? “If there’s a wolf god, then I’m a scrubbed newly-born.”
We chuckled and shared amused observations of the mysterious hunter in our midst – and of our village elder’s pomp, particularly in remaining near him. I spared nary a thought to our elder and his substantial claims – he had once before told a wild tale of felling a great elk with but a small knife and a day’s exhaustion upon him. We were all used to how our elder was, and how he clung to every drop of glory that could be had. He told the same stories all the time, but was never able to keep the embellishments straight.
“Maybe in a few summers, he’ll tell the young ones that he taught Bannon how to fight bears himself,” Tarnie spoke as she flashed me a mischievous grin.
“With a knife that he carved himself from the bones of a two-headed elk,” I joined in quickly, “or perhaps the next time he tells it, that he won in an archery tournament.”
“With the bears,” Tarnie added.
“Drunk bears, riding two-headed elks,” I giggled. We descended into a fit of hysterics as the young ones joined in with the laughter, too young to do anything but imitate us.
“Ah yes, the drunken bears and their two-headed elk mounts,” the rugged voice cut into our jubilation. We quickly silenced ourselves and turned, seeing Bannon peer between us with a wicked grin. “Your elder sent me to train with them as a child. You should tell his stories for him. They’d be just as believable and far more entertaining.”
We chuckled in embarrassment, returning to our work, but I couldn’t help but notice that Bannon was clearly gazing across my figure. I didn’t know how he had to learn, as I was wrapped in leathers and pelts that didn’t flatter me, but he parted his lips as if to say something before–
“There you are! I had wondered where you had wandered off to!” The elder roared with self-importance, slinking into view.
“Oh gods,” Bannon murmured under his breath, and we stifled a giggle. “Yes, right here. Why don’t you tell me about the elk again? It was such a good story…”
“Ah yes, the elk!” Our elder smiled, whisking Bannon away to wander the perimeter of the village again. “A massive thing, with twelve points to its antlers…I only had a small dagger as it cornered me atop a ravine…”
Their voices faded away, and as I turned over my shoulder, I saw Bannon’s gaze unmistakably wander back to me.
“He definitely likes you,” Tarnie observed, watching us for a moment. “Such a strong guy. Wonder what he sees in ya?”
As I returned to my work alongside her, I couldn’t help but wonder the same.
It was two days later, as I was picking berries, when Bannon found me alone. I don’t know what compelled me to wander so far from the village, as we usually tended to the bushes within sight of safety. But I felt particularly daring that day, eager to get away from the other villagers and be alone with my thoughts. With my arm threaded through my woven b
asket, I inspected the berries as I plucked them from their bush, ready to be mashed for dinner that evening.
“Long way from the others,” the voice called out. “What if something happened to you?”
“I can hold my own,” I answered firmly, turning to watch Bannon appear from behind a tree. The hunter was dressed in his usual leather leggings, but his chest was bare of pelt or anything else, for that matter. In the light through the forest canopy, I could see how his thick muscles filled out his body, the extent of his broad shoulders, and the firmness to his tight skin. He truly was phenomenally attractive.
“I’m sure that you can,” he chuckled, his eyes clearly tracing my body. I was incidentally dressed in more flattering clothing this time, and there were more accurate curves for his gaze to follow. “But what if one of the men from the village were to become too enraptured with you? Desiring to claim you…?”
“Them?” I scoffed. “Those boys are pathetic. I’ve had some fun with them, but they don’t know how to treat a woman. Pawing hungrily, but they can’t please me.”
“They’re lesser than you?” He wondered, sizing me up.
“They don’t know what they’re doing. And they finish so quickly. Doesn’t help that there’s only one attractive one in the lot of them, and he’s already accounted for.”
I thought of Tarnie’s man, a strapping hunter several summers older than us who had proven his worth when a wild boar had burst into the village. He had been enamored with her, and when she saw his bravery in defending the rest of us, she immediately agreed to be his betrothed when the moment came.
“Ah, yes,” Bannon murmured. “I think I know the one. He is wise for his age, but doesn’t know his own cunning. He would make a fine village elder when your current one drops dead under the weight of his own self-importance.”
We shared a brief laugh, although I felt a little bad at chuckling at the elder’s expense. Still, I could not pull my attention away from the instant attraction I felt to this stranger, and now that I was alone with him it seemed to increase tenfold.
He seemed to notice it too, as his piercing green eyes were glued to mine. “You are so pretty when you laugh…what was your name?”
“Anna,” I shyly answered.
“Well, Anna, it is my absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance…” He bowed lightly, drawing my free hand up for a kiss. As his lips pressed to my skin, I felt a bolt of pleasure whiplash down my spine, and breathlessly gasped involuntarily.
“Does the kind lady enjoy my kiss? Perhaps she would like another…?” Bannon wondered aloud with a smirk, pulling forward and unthreading the basket from my arm. Setting it aside, he drew me to him, and his manly musk slipped into my nostrils, pushing a wave of amorous intent across my mind.
He’s so incredibly handsome, I thought to myself. And we’re alone with nobody around…
“Well, I don’t know about those boys you mentioned earlier,” he chuckled lightly, “but I know exactly what I’m doing…and I guarantee you that if you submit to me…you’ll feel incredible things you’ve never experienced before…”
“I submit,” I breathlessly murmured, enraptured by his presence and sheer physique.
The mysterious hunter grinned, and I practically melted against him. His tender gaze swept me up, and I heard a single syllable slip from his lips as they pulled ever closer.
Bannon pulled me into his strong embrace, keeping me close and my arms pinned to my sides. His lips nuzzled their way into my neck, nibbling and tasting the flesh beneath my ear. Nipping upward, his tongue began to slide along my dangling lobe, his hot breath pushing into my trembling ear. He felt my arms push, trying to pull free, but my womanly muscles were no match for his – I soon gave up the attempt. Pleased, he kissed deep and longingly into my neck again, a light rasp of satisfaction lifting from deep in his chest.
As I murmured incoherently, a small smile of pleasure slid across my lips. This was a level of care that I found blissfully surprising. The few boys I had bedded had wanted to go straight for my loins, ripping at my clothes with no sense of tantalizing build-up at all. I wasn’t used to someone taking their time, to appreciating my flesh before going for the joining of our bodies.
I felt Bannon’s passion, engorged against my leg. I was eager to see it, to experience it in all its glory, but reserved some surprise and fear at the sheer size of it. Although I could only feel it pressing into my leg between their clothes, I knew it was larger than any I had experienced before. My mind was assaulted with equal parts fear and exhilaration.
“You feel it pressing, pushing, don’t you?” Bannon huskily whispered into my ear. “Why not take it out for some air…”
As his embrace opened, I reached down to grasp the thick tool within his leather slacks. Tracing it closely with my fingers, I assessed the impending satisfaction before reaching for his drawstrings. I was so close to pulling it free, to grasping it in my hands…
The burst came from behind the trees. Before I could utter a sound, Bannon’s strong hand clasped around my lips. He gazed suspiciously towards the source of the sudden noise. The forest was silent for a moment, nary the snapping of a twig or the hooting of an owl. My strong companion remained on high alert. While I felt alarmed, I knew that he was powerful, and he would defend me.
The deafening roar burst from the trees as a large brown bear stormed into the clearing. Pausing long enough to assess us, the bear glared furiously on all fours, judging the proper moment to lunge. Panicking, my heart stopped in terror as I comprehended this vicious predator. The creature was several bounds away, but we were never going to escape from it if it chose to pursue us.
“Get back,” Bannon snarled, lifting his cupped hand from my lips and assuming a defensive stance. “Now. SLOWLY…”
Carefully, I took a step backwards, then another, my eyes shifting from man to bear and back again. Bannon was going to get himself KILLED to protect me…the sacrifice was senseless. I didn’t want him to die for me…
“GO!” He hissed. “I can take care of myself!”
I did as I was told, taking unsteady steps backwards. The bear was slowly approaching now – it was going to crouch low, then pounce the last few bounds to bring him down. Even after he was disposed of, the bear was likely to pursue me, too.
Trembling with fear, I counted down the steps before I would turn and bolt back towards the village.
Just before turning, my body froze as I witnessed something absolutely incredible. The very air around Bannon seemed to glimmer as he dropped onto all fours, and his muscles swelled with a tremendous power. As his hair rippled across his body, his very shape molded beneath it, until there was no man on all fours but a behemoth wolf…
“My gods,” I gasped, a hand held at my mouth. The wolf was larger than I had ever seen – did wolves even grow that big? It was easily half the size of the bear now, snarling furiously and preparing to strike at our aggressor.
Fascinated and terrified, I couldn’t bring myself to turn away. Frozen to the spot in awe, I watched as the confused bear reassessed the situation, ultimately choosing to take a few steps forward. Bannon the wolf bore closer to the ground, ready to spring forward with claws open.
And there it was!
They lunged into battle, the bear swiping and the wolf dodging. The vicious titans of the forest began their furious dance, locked into bitter combat. The bear’s heavy swipes missed as the wolf dodged its blows, countering with small strikes of its own. The bear roared with frustration as it pressed forward, rising to its full height and determined to strike back at every opportunity.
A glancing blow threw the wolf to the ground as it tumbled briefly. I cried out in panic, but the wolf climbed to its paws, turning to me briefly. Rebounding onto the bear, it dodged left and right, whipping around to confuse its enemy before striking near the fa
The surprised bear roared in fury, taking a few lumbering steps back. A sinister growl emanated from deep within as its eyes darkened with rage. I knew that this was the moment – this next strike, one of them would be incapacitated and easy prey for the other. The wolf leaned backwards; hunching down close to the ground, he was ready to pounce forth. The bear, however, was still standing, its shoulders coiled and claws ready to swipe. It had the higher ground – could her defender land a blow before it struck him down?
But before the deciding moment could play out, there was motion in the trees. Suddenly, a pair of furious blurs burst onto the scene, snarling and sliding to either side of Bannon the wolf. They were additional wolves, almost as large as him. The three shared a brief moment of growls, gazing over in my direction briefly, before collectively gazing down the bear.